Running the server
On Windows - you can start jftpd standalone using startjFTPd.bat.
To run it as a service, you have to have JVMI installed. If you do, you have to manually edit the service.xml file (bundled in the .zip file) to suite your configuration (especially the <RUNTIME>…</RUNTIME> line, which specifies the path to the jvm.dll file - please make sure you use an JDK 1.5 one). If you remove the line, the default jvm will be used, but if you have other JDKs installed, the default one might not be 1.5.
After you have updated the service.xml, you have to install jftpd as a service - you do that by issuing:
You can then start the service by using
net start jftpd
To stop the server, things are easier. You just kill it (there's even a script provided, to work on linux). On Windows, you use
net stop jftpd
if the server is running as service.
If you change the service.xml file, you need to reinstall the service (so JVMI can actually recreate the service properly). For this you need to stop jFTPd, remove the service (using remove.bat) and then reinstall the service.
On UNIX - please execute startjFTPd.ksh file.
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